3 Types of Drugs to STOP Premature Ejaculation

There are 3 types of drugs that can delay ejaculation if you suffer from PE.

  1. Numbing agents (anaesthetics) that make the penis insensitive,
  2. SSRI’s such as painkillers or antidepressants that increase serotonin levels.
  3. Prostate drugs which can cure or relax an over-sensitive and enlarged prostate.

Hi, my name is David. I am an expert when it comes to lasting longer in bed.

I've been helping men overcome Premature Ejaculation and Erectile Dysfunction since 2013, being a former PE sufferer myself.

I tried most of these drugs MYSELF and can tell you from first-hand experience what works and what doesn't, and why I don’t need them and why you should definitely avoid them.

Let me give you a quick rundown of these drugs before we dive into the details.

1. Numbing agents (anaesthetics)

These include lidocaine, prilocaine and benzocaine, they’re all local anaesthetics and are used in numbing delay products like sprays, creams or wipes.

They make your penis insensitive for about 40 minutes.

On one hand, this way you don’t finish as quickly, but on the other hand - most users report having problems maintaining an erection because you don’t feel anything with a numb penis.

Another problem with delay agents is that you can't have spontaneous sex. It takes 15 minutes to numb your penis and you have to wash it off before penetration.

2. Prostate drugs

These are usually antibiotics or alpha blockers.

Antibiotics like doxycycline can clear up a bacterial infection, and alpha blockers can relax or relieve an enlarged prostate.

If prostatitis is the only cause of your premature ejaculation, then normal stamina should return after treatment with antibiotics. However if you struggle with PE since your first intercourse, then chronic prostatitis isn't likely to be causing it, so don't count on antibiotics as a cure for lifelong premature ejaculation.

3. SSRIs or other neurotransmitter drugs

These include painkillers like tramadol or antidepressants like paroxetine, dapoxetine (Priligy) or others.

They are usually SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) that increase your serotonin levels, which results in increasing the time to orgasm.

They work, YES, but here's the huge problem:

While these drugs do extend your time to orgasm, they also make your erections so weak that you can forget about normal sex. And for many people they completely switch off the sex drive.

The only SSRI pill that doesn't have these problems is Priligy - but it's not very popular either because it increases stamina only a little and often causes severe headaches and other discomfort.

When I tried to use Priligy many years ago, I felt sick every time I tried it, and it caused headaches which made sex un-enjoyable.

Also, SSRIs and all other neurotransmitter manipulating drugs are very expensive.

My recommendation is: stay away from them, just follow the 5 simple steps of my Lover Stamina system, and you will be able to last drastically longer, naturally.

...without pills, without dangerous surgeries for premature ejaculation or similar nonsense. And you will keep that ability for a lifetime, without side effects.

Wanna Learn How To Last Longer in Sex WITHOUT Relying On Any Drugs?

David, your Stamina Coach

My recommendation: just book a free consultation call with me and you won't need any of these fancy yet inefficient drugs or remedies...

Click the button above to book your free consultation call with me (personally)

Now that you have some basic understanding about how these drugs work, let's dive into the details and talk about some specific examples of these PE drugs. 

We'll discuss the application, effects and side effects of these.

13 drugs used for Premature Ejaculation



Priligy (Dapoxetine)

Administration: 30-60 mg 1-3 hours before sex.

Effect: 2-3 minutes longer stamina.

Side effects: Headache, nausea, dizziness, fainting, " feeling unhappy"


Administration: 20-60 mg daily.

Effect: 2 fold duration.

Side effects: Erectile dysfunction, SSRI-induced erectile dysfunction, apathy, fatigue, loss of libido, headaches, insomnia


Administration: 10-40 mg daily or 90 mg once a week.

Effect: 5 fold longer sex duration.

Side effects: Erectile dysfunction, apathy, fatigue, loss of libido, suicidal thoughts, depression, headaches

Paroxetin (Seroxat)

Administration: 20 mg 1-3 hours before sex or 20-40 mg daily.

Effect: 8 fold longer lasting time.

Side effects: Erectile dysfunction, apathy, fatigue, loss of libido, headaches, risk of SSRI-induced sexual dysfunction.


Administration:15 mg 2-6 hours before sex.

Effect: 6 fold if taken daily, 4 fold if taken "on demand".

Side effects: Dizziness, dry mouth and constipation, erectile dysfunction, loss of nocturnal erections, apathy, fatigue, loss of libido, headaches

Cipralex (Escitalopram)

Administration: 10 mg daily.

Effect: 4.9 fold increase in stamina.

Side effects: Diarrhea, drowsiness, headache, insomnia, nausea, anorgasmia, constipation, dizziness, dyspepsia, fatigue, decreased libido

Silodosin (Rapaflo, Urorec, Silodyx)

Prescribed for: enlarged prostate.

Effect: can increase the stamina if premature ejaculation was caused by enlarged prostate from 3 minutes to 10 minutes

Antibiotics like Ciprofloxacin, Doxycyclin, Quinolone and Cephalosporin

If premature ejaculation is caused by prostatitis, it can be treated with antibiotics and normal stamina should return.

Numbing agents like Lidocaine, Prilocaine, Xylocaine, Benzocaine (Emla creme, sprays, swipes etc.)

Administration: to be applied onto the glans 15-20 minutes before sex.

Effect: 4-6 fold longer lasting time by anesthetizing the glans.

Side effects: Loss of erection, no feeling in the penis, pain, allergies, numbing of the vagina

ED drugs like (viagra, cialis, levitra etc.)

Prescribed for: erectile dysfunction, usually.

Effect on PE: Increases the stamina time by approx. 20 seconds.

Side effects: Headaches, nasal congestion, back pain, heartburn, visual disturbances, indigestion and much more.


Application: normally as a painkiller.

Effect: 2-13 fold longer lasting time.

Side effects: Loss of erection(!) Nausea, dizziness, numbness, constipation

Modafinil (Provigil)

Application: usually for narcolepsy.

Effect on PE: moderately orgasm-delaying

Side effects: Headaches, loss of appetite, sleep disorders and much more.

Sertraline (Zoloft) 

Administration: 50 mg 3-5 hours before sex or 25-200 mg daily.

Effect: 5 fold longer lasting time.

Side effects: Erectile dysfunction, apathy, fatigue, loss of libido, headaches, insomnia.


1. Priligy - the official, yet unpopular drug for PE

Priligy is the first approved pill for premature ejaculation.

The drug has been marketed by the pharmaceutical company Berlin-Chemie (Menarini) under the trade name Priligy since 2009.

The drug works with the active ingredient dapoxetine, which increases serotonin levels in order to delay ejaculation.

Priligy is taken 1-2 hours before sex and increases sexual stamina by an average of 2-3 minutes. 1EJ McCarty et al. Dapoxetine: an evidence-based review of its effectiveness in treatment of premature ejaculation PubMed 2Chris G. McMahon et al. Efficacy and Safety of Dapoxetine for the Treatment of Premature Ejaculation: Integrated Analysis of Results from Five Phase 3 Trials  Wiley Online Library

Dapoxetine was originally intended to be an antidepressant, but due to its short duration of action it was not suitable for depression.

Dapoxetine acts quickly and leaves the body quickly and is therefore out of the question as an antidepressant. But precisely this "disadvantage" became an advantage in the treatment of premature ejaculation: you could simply take the tablet as required before sex and would last longer.

The pharmaceutical companies are doing everything they can to push Priligy as the number 1 pill for premature ejaculation. But it is not very popular because the side effects are simply unbearable:

  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Fainting
  • A general feeling of "discomfort" in the body that completely overshadows the enjoyment of sex

All this whilst the ejaculation delay is only 2-3-4 minutes on average.

2. Antidepressants in general

Drugs that are used for depression, panic attacks, anxiety and bipolar disorder have also been prescribed for premature ejaculation for some time.

Antidepressants increase serotonin levels, which is apparently the reason why men on this medication are often able to delay their climax than those without.

However, the increase in sexual stamina is just one of many side effects. Since the discovery of antidepressants, it has generally been noticed that these drugs consistently suppress the sex drive. The users commonly report the following side effects:

  • lower sex drive
  • Significantly worse erections
  • delay in ejaculation up to anorgasmia (inability to have an orgasm)

The effect of the delayed ejaculation led doctors to start prescribing antidepressants such as citalopram, paroxetine, cipralex 3 Safarinejad RM . Safety and efficacy of escitalopram in the treatment of premature ejaculation: a double-blind placebo-controlled, fixed dose, randomized study. J Clin Psychopharmacol 2007; 27: 444–450., fluoxetine, sertraline  4 McMahon CG1. Treatment of premature ejaculation with sertraline hydrochloride Link , mirtazapine and others "off-label" for premature ejaculation.

Although antidepressants were able to extend the users' stamina by a factor of 2 to 8, they also led to erectile dysfunction, apathy and loss of libido.

This is why the administration of antidepressants for premature ejaculation has always been questionable and is hardly ever practiced nowadays. If a doctor tries to prescribe you an antidepressant for premature ejaculation, change your doctor as soon as possible.

WARNING: By far the biggest problem with antidepressants used for premature ejaculation is permanent erectile dysfunction. This is referred to as post-SSRI sexual dysfunction 5Post-SSRI sexual dysfunction Wikipedia . This means that erectile function sometimes does not return for years after discontinuation of the medication.

All anti-depressants work in roughly the same way and have roughly the same side effects, and usually only differ in dose and administration. The patients' experiences with paroxetine, sertraline and other SSRIs are usually more or less the same: the length of sex increases, but the erection deteriorates considerably and they lose the desire to have sex, sometimes with suicidal thoughts.


Fluoxetine (also known as Prozac, Fluctine, Mutan, Fluxet, Felicium, Floccin, Fluocim, Fluoxifar, NuFluo and Positivum).

My endocrinologist prescribed it for me when I complained about premature ejaculation 15 years ago. She said: "You just have a depression, I'll prescribe you fluoxetine, it should serve as a kind of crutch for a short time and it also extends the time to orgasm".

EFFECT. The drug was able to delay my ejaculation indefinitely - because it caused my erection to disappear completely(!). If I somehow miraculously managed to get a 40% erection, I would ejaculate after 4-6 minutes.

SIDE EFFECTS. impotence, apathy, loss of motivation and all sorts of black nihilistic thoughts.

3. ED drugs for premature ejaculation

Sex enhancers such as Viagra or Cialis are used to treat impotence, but what about premature ejaculation - can they also help?

The answer is simple: no. The active ingredients in Viagra and Cialis are sildenafil and tadalafil and they do nothing to delay ejaculation. They are not made for this.

Sildenafil and tadalafil are so-called PDE5 inhibitors and can only ensure that more blood remains in the penis. In order to delay orgasm, however, the medication would either have to be able to increase serotonin levels or reduce sensitivity in the penis.

Neither of these is possible with Viagra or Cialis.

Studies have also demonstrated the lack of any noteworthy effect of sexual enhancers on premature ejaculation.

A Turkish study investigated whether sildenafil (Viagra), tadalafil (Cialis), vardenafil (Levitra) or a placebo could delay ejaculation in men with premature ejaculation. And it turned out that Viagra as well as Cialis and Levitra could do nothing against premature ejaculation. The test subjects were only able to last about 20 seconds longer with these sexual enhancement pills. 6 Gökçe et al. The effects of three phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors on ejaculation latency time in lifelong premature ejaculators: a double-blind laboratory setting study PubMed

Some users report that Viagra reduces the sensitivity of the glans, making it difficult for them to orgasm. However, these are all men who already have "innate" full control over ejaculation and tend to last too long rather than too early in first place. This means that if you orgasm too early rather than "too late", then the sexual enhancers won't help much.

The bottom line is that sexual enhancers help with impotence, not with premature ejaculation. But even if you have erectile dysfunction, sexual enhancers are not the best solution.

Erection problems are a sign that something is wrong in the body and the mind. I used sexual enhancers myself for several years. And they worked worse and worse over time.

At some point, my coach and mentor at the time, Roman, advised me not to use any sexual enhancers. He said, "You'll only continue to ruin yourself and your health with Viagra. Learn to have a great erection without it."

And that's what I did. With his help, we dissolved all the psychological blocks that favored weak erections and worked on dozens of other factors critical to a healthy hard erection. And soon enough, I actually started to have amazing, hard, hour-long lasting erections without any sexual enhancers.

Wanna Learn How To Last Longer in Sex WITHOUT Relying On Any Drugs?

David, your Stamina Coach

My recommendation: just book a free consultation call with me and you won't need any of these fancy yet inefficient drugs or home remedies...

Click the button above to book your free consultation call with me (personally)

3. Modafinil (Provigil)

Modafinil is a drug that is normally used for narcolepsy and has recently been tested for premature ejaculation.

Narcoleptics are people who suffer from daytime sleepiness. Without modafinil, they could suddenly fall asleep at any moment during the day, which could be dangerous when driving, for example.

So far, there have only been a few studies on the effect of modafinil on rapid ejaculation, but in these the drug was able to delay ejaculation.7 Serefoglu, On-demand d-modafinil may be an effective treatment option for lifelong premature ejaculation: a case reportPubMed 8 Daily Modafinil Treatment may be Beneficial for the Treatment of Lifelong Premature Ejaculation, M. Tuken, E. Yuruk, E.C. Serefoglu

The most common side effects of modafinil are headaches, insomnia and anxiety.


Many years ago, I used modafinil to increase productivity - because it is also used "off-label" as a nootropic. Nootropics are "smart drugs", i.e. medicines and agents to increase brain performance (memory, creativity, intelligence).

I wasn't interested in being able to last longer with modafinil specifically, but I did notice at the time that it made it a little easier to control my ejaculation. However, I soon stopped taking the drug because the side effects were unbearable: Insomnia, and eczema on my face (skin rashes, inflammation).

4. Tramadol for PE

Tramadol is a painkiller that is normally used for back pain and similar complaints. However, tramadol is also an SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) and can therefore also increase serotonin. This probably explains its ejaculation-delaying effect.

In studies, the drug was able to extend users' time to ejaculation threefold. 9Bar-Or et al. A randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled multicenter study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of two doses of the tramadol orally disintegrating tablet for the treatment of premature ejaculation within less than 2 minutes PubMed

Men who were given 100mg tramadol were able to last an average of 4 minutes during sex. 10Amil H. Khan Tramadol Use in Premature Ejaculation: Daily Versus Sporadic Treatment Link .

I myself also experimented with Tramadol to last longer many years ago. The effect was present, YES, but my erection became miserable with Tramadol, often completely non-existent.

The problem is - small doses do nothing for premature ejaculation and higher doses lead to erection problems. This and the fact that tramadol can be highly addiction forming explain why tramadol is not prescribed for ejaculatio praecox.

5. Prostate drugs

Prostatitis is one of the most common co-causes of premature ejaculation.

The prostate is a walnut-shaped gland about 4 cm in size, which is located under the bladder and surrounds the urethra.

If this gland is inflamed, men tend to orgasm prematurely during sex.

The 2 main prostate drugs : Antibiotics and alpha-blockers.

Antibiotics for prostatitis induced premature ejaculation

Antibiotics such as ciprofloxacin, doxycycline, quinolone and cephalosporin can cure prostatitis if it is caused by a bacterial infection. This treatment can bring back the patient's normal lasting time if the solely cause was prostatitis. 11 Brown AJ. Ciprofloxacin as cure of premature ejaculation. J Sex Marital Ther 2000; 26: 351–2.  12Dr. Md. Shafiqul Islam, M. S. (2017). Premature Ejaculation and Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis. Medicine Today29(2), 21-25. Study

Alpha-Blocker for prostatitis induced premature ejaculation

Alpha-blockers such as silodosin (trade names Rapaflo, Urorec, Silodyx) are used to treat enlarged prostate and in one study they were able to increase the stamina of the test subjects back from 3 to 10 minutes.

However, it must be emphasized that these drugs can only treat acquired premature ejaculation caused by prostate problems.

13Sato et al., Silodosin and its potential for treating premature ejaculation: a preliminary reportPubMed 14 Sato Y et al. Silodosin versus naftopidil in the treatment of premature ejaculation: A prospective multicenter trial. Link In other words, if you suffer from lifelong premature ejaculation, then the medication will probably not help. Nevertheless, it makes sense to have your prostate examined and treated if necessary.

You Can Last Longer WITHOUT Drugs

David, your Stamina Coach

You don't need any of these drugs. You don't need any of the side effects they bring (apathy, depression, erectile dysfunction etc.)

All you need is to follow my 5 Steps Lover Stamina System and you will last 10-20-60 minutes longer in sex. Just like hundreds of men did before you.

Just book your free discovery call with me and I'll show you exactly how you can do it. 

Do it now! I'll see you in your free consultation call.



  • 1
    EJ McCarty et al. Dapoxetine: an evidence-based review of its effectiveness in treatment of premature ejaculation PubMed
  • 2
    Chris G. McMahon et al. Efficacy and Safety of Dapoxetine for the Treatment of Premature Ejaculation: Integrated Analysis of Results from Five Phase 3 Trials  Wiley Online Library
  • 3
    Safarinejad RM . Safety and efficacy of escitalopram in the treatment of premature ejaculation: a double-blind placebo-controlled, fixed dose, randomized study. J Clin Psychopharmacol 2007; 27: 444–450.
  • 4
    McMahon CG1. Treatment of premature ejaculation with sertraline hydrochloride Link 
  • 5
    Post-SSRI sexual dysfunction Wikipedia
  • 6
    Gökçe et al. The effects of three phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors on ejaculation latency time in lifelong premature ejaculators: a double-blind laboratory setting study PubMed
  • 7
    Serefoglu, On-demand d-modafinil may be an effective treatment option for lifelong premature ejaculation: a case reportPubMed
  • 8
     Daily Modafinil Treatment may be Beneficial for the Treatment of Lifelong Premature Ejaculation, M. Tuken, E. Yuruk, E.C. Serefoglu
  • 9
    Bar-Or et al. A randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled multicenter study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of two doses of the tramadol orally disintegrating tablet for the treatment of premature ejaculation within less than 2 minutes PubMed
  • 10
    Amil H. Khan Tramadol Use in Premature Ejaculation: Daily Versus Sporadic Treatment Link
  • 11
    Brown AJ. Ciprofloxacin as cure of premature ejaculation. J Sex Marital Ther 2000; 26: 351–2.  
  • 12
    Dr. Md. Shafiqul Islam, M. S. (2017). Premature Ejaculation and Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis. Medicine Today29(2), 21-25. Study
  • 13
    Sato et al., Silodosin and its potential for treating premature ejaculation: a preliminary reportPubMed
  • 14
    Sato Y et al. Silodosin versus naftopidil in the treatment of premature ejaculation: A prospective multicenter trial. Link


About 30% of all men suffer from premature ejaculation. That's why I've developed a simple 5 Step Process that helps you last longer and give your partner the best sex of her live. If you're interested in 1-1 Coaching with me, then click this link and find out more.