Is There a Surgery πŸ”ͺ for Premature Ejaculation?

If you've tried everything under the sun to last longer in bed but nothing ever worked, you might be wondering if medical professionals have developed a surgical solution to stop your premature ejaculation once and for all.

This is exactly what this article is about. 

I'm David, an expert in all things stamina. I've been helping men overcome PE & ED since 2013, being a former sufferer myself. 

And YES, I had 2 of the PE surgeries listed below in 2010 (no success) and I'm gonna share my experience here with you. 


πŸ‘‰ Is there any surgery to fix or cure premature ejaculation?

There are 5 main surgeries that are used for premature ejaculation:

  • radical circumcision 
  • frenuloplasty 
  • glans denervation 
  • penile girth enhancment
  • penis glans augmentation

These surgeries, however, are far from being perfect and often result in very unpleasant complications. If you expect them to cure your lifelong premature ejaculation, you will be disappointed.

Which is why I do not recommend any of those. ❌ (Unless you really need frenuloplasty due to a shortened frenulum.)

There are way better ways to start lasting longer in bed within weeks, naturally, without going under the knife πŸ”ͺ. Everyone can do it. 

If you want to find out more how you can do it, let's just hop on a FREE consultation call, where we'll discuss what's possible for YOU. Click the button below to book your free call:

Now let's talk about each possible surgery for PE, what they cost, what are the risks and benefits.

5 Surgical Treatments for Premature Ejaculation in 2023-2024

1. Circumcision (not recommended ❌)

The idea behind circumcision for premature ejaculation is simple: you do the surgery, lose sensitivity and last longer in bed. However it's not that simple.

Most men think that they can do any type of circumsision and they'll lose sensitivity in their penis. In reality though that's only the case for the "Low & Tight" type of circumcision.

I'll explain the other 3 types of circumcision below, but let's first see how the low & tight circumcision decreases penile sensitivity and why you won't last longer after getting this surgery πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ.

1. LOW & TIGHT (radical circumcision)

β€œLOW & TIGHT” – with this type of circumcision the sensitive foreskin is completely removed, the exposed glans rubs against underwear, toughens up, and loses sensitivity.

And as a result, you get full control over your ejaculation. Right ?

Not quite.

Studies show: circumcised men last at most 1-2 minutes longer during sex than non-circumcised men - regardless of the type of circumcision. 1Yang et al., Circumcision does not have effect on premature ejaculation: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PubMed

So the irony of this is - YES, you will lose tons of sensitivity with this type of circumcision (you won't with other types), but you WILL NOT last longer in the end. 

The reason why no type of circumcision will improve your stamina is probably the fact that premature ejaculation has a lot to do with the prostate and the overall rapid arousal rather than just with the sensitivity of your penis tip.

Hence, circumcision - good for hygiene βœ”οΈ, useless for stamina ❌.

Other Types of Circumcision

(I wish I had opted for HIGH & LOOSE, which improves hygiene but also preserves all those sensations 😒. Hint: you don't need to reduce penile sensitivity to last longer in bed ☝️. )

2. HIGH & TIGHT (good hygiene and you keep the sensitivity)

"HIGH & TIGHT" - with this type of circumcision, the foreskin can no longer be pulled over the glans when erect, hence the term "tight". The only difference to Low & Tight is that the incision is made further away from the glans: 1-5 cm. The sensitive inner foreskin remains so that sensitivity is only slightly reduced.

3. LOW & LOOSE   (can retract remaining foreskin, lose most sensations)

"LOW & LOOSE" - partial circumcision, foreskin can be partially pulled over the glans when erect. More of the inner sensitive skin is cut away than the outer skin, so you ultimately have less sensitivity (which doesn't help with stamina though).

4. HIGH & LOOSE   (can retract with remaing foreskin, keep all sensations)

"HIGH & LOOSE" - the only difference to "low & loose" is that the incision is made 1-5 cm behind the glans, so you retain most of the sensations.

Now let's talk about whether the effort is worth it and whether you should get a circumcision to fight premature ejaculation or not.

Do circumcised men last longer than uncircumcised men? Will being circumcised help at least a tiny bit to delay ejaculation?

As already stated before - no. Although circumcision may seem promising for men who orgasm quickly at first, after circumcision they always find out that it doesn't improve their stamina even in the slightest.

Numerous studies also show that circumcised men can last at most 1-2 minutes longer during sex than non-circumcised men.

In a cross-sectional study, Yang and his colleagues analyzed data from a total of 10,019 circumcised and 11,570 uncircumcised men and found that circumcision does not alleviate premature ejaculation. ((Yang et al., Circumcision does not have effect on premature ejaculation.)) The sexual endurance of circumcised men increased on average by just under 1 minute.

My own experience can confirm this. I underwent circumcision hoping to last longer and was even operated twice: the first operation was a "low and loose" circumcision, the second was a "low and tight" circumcision, where you are supposed to lose most of your sensitivity.

And hell yes I did lose lots of sensitivity - a blowjob, for example, feels way less enjoyable now than it used to.

But in terms of ejaculation control - the result was sobering: 1-2 minutes longer at best. Basically no change. It was only years later that I learned how to control my ejaculation, and I made sure to share my knowledge. Book a free consultation call with me to find out more.

Bottom line is - do it for hygiene, not for stamina.

Costs of a circumcision

The costs vary from clinic to clinic. You can expect to pay anything from $300 to $5000. The operation takes about 30-50 minutes.

2. Frenuloplasty

If your frenulum is too short, it can pull on the glans during erection, overstimulate the penis and accelerate the ejaculation.

(Very rare cause of PE btw.)

Solution - frenuloplasty. The shortened frenulum is removed or cut in the middle and sewn up again lengthwise. This makes it longer and it no longer pulls on the glans, ejaculation control and sex duration normalize (IF it was the single cause of premature ejaculation).

The procedure takes 15 minutes, costs $500. But it really only makes sense if your frenulum is super shortened and causes overstimulation, otherwise it won't help. When in doubt, ask your urologist.

Here is a before and after picture of such a radical frenuloplasty (complete removal) :

This was exactly the treatment I opted for when I was circumcised (radical circumcision). However, since the shortened frenulum was not responsible for my premature ejaculation back then, it didn't help at all.

Frenuloplasty surgery therefore only makes sense for premature ejaculators with a shortened frenulum as cause for PE.

Frenuloplasty surgery is performed under local anesthesia and only takes 15 minutes. That's why it costs less than circumcision: between €200 and €500 Germany, probably way more in US.

3. Denervation of the glans penis, aka "selective dorsal neurectomy"

During denervation of the glans, also known as Selective Dorsal Neurectomy or SDN, the nerve connections leading to the glans are severed in order to reduce the sensitivity of the glans.

Here's how it's done: 

Denervation of the glans - nerves isolated and about to be severed.

The Nerves leading to the tip of the penis are severed, the penis becomes insensitive and, according to studies, you can now last about 2 minutes longer  during sex.

I had this operation done on me years ago in Moscow - I was desperate - and i can confirm - all you get is roughly 1-2 minutes additional stamina. In my case - almost all of the penis head nerves were cut, foreskin completely removed - but my ejaculation control remained about the same as before.

I paid about $1000 for everything years ago, nowadays the price ranges between $2000-$5000.

The most common complaint of this surgery: sudden erection problems.

I do NOT recommend this surgery. 

Also, this treatment is not recommended for guys older than 30 - in a recent study it was shown that the success rate for men over 30 is very bad. 2 Correlation between age and curative effects of selective dorsal neurectomy for primary premature ejaculation link

But what about those younger than 30? What can be expected?

The ejaculation-delaying effect of this treatment is not as good as one might hope it is: the intravaginal lasting time (IELT) increases on average from approx. 1.1 minutes to 3.8 minutes after the operation. 3G.‐X. Zhang et al. Selective resection of dorsal nerves of penis for premature ejaculation Link

Is that something to go under the knife for? Hm...πŸ€”

Also, beware of sudden erection problems or anorgasmia. Here is a report from a patient:

I liked having an insensitive glans at the beginning and also now being circumcised - very practical, the glands are gone, the smell is gone, uncomplicated hygiene. But the duration of intercourse only increased initially slightly and the effect is now completely gone. Ergo:
-  I'm not getting any younger
- The sensitivity of the glans is gone.
- But my stamina during sex is now exactly the same as before.
- And it's getting harder and harder to get an erection.



Common questions I get about the Denervation / Selective Dorsal Neurotomy surgery:

1. Is this operation also available in USA, Germany, Austria, Switzerland?

The denervation procedure is not available in Germany, Austria and Switzerland as far as I know. Mainly, because it has such a low success rate and complications. Places that still offer this surgery are Moscow in Russia (where I did it), Istanbul in Turkey and USA.

2. Did you have any pain during or after the operation?

No, it's not to be expected to have any abnormal pain during or after the surgery. It's comparable to circumcision. 

3. Does the operation take place under local or general anesthesia?

In my case it was general anesthesia. Local is possible though.

4. How and when will a follow-up examination take place and what will be done there?

The follow-up examination takes place just as with a circumcision 1 week after the procedure.

5. Can the wound/scar tear open during an erection?

This is not to be expected and was not the case for me. All healed fine. Nightly erections are not a problem. You will have to sleep on your back for 2+ weeks though.

6. How long should the area not be washed?

It takes 7-10 days before the scar area is completely healed. You can clean your penis by gently blotting or squeezing warmed water from a washcloth or cotton ball onto it. Restrain from using any soap, powder, lotions or even diaper wipes for cleaning to avoid stinging or irritation.

7. Does the penis feel like a foot that has fallen asleep during or after the operation or do you simply no longer feel anything?

Yes, if lots of nerves were severed, the penis might feel kind of lifeless and numb. You can buy a numbing delay spray with lidocaine and apply it onto your glans, frenulum and foreskin. Then wait about 15 minutes and see how it feels. If all nerves leading to the tip of your penis are cut - then this will be a similar feeling, just less severe. But let me tell you - the joy of sex will reduce greatly due to less sensations in the penis. And you won't last that much longer. So, again - I do NOT recommend this surgery. Just answering your questions.

8. When you get aroused you usually feel a pleasurable sensation in the penis - even without getting an erection. Will that effect disappear?

No, not that I know of.

9. Is there any other important information about the operation?

Yes - do NOT do it. It will just reduce the joy of your sex and will hardly improve anything in terms of stamina. There are much better ways to delay ejaculation. Book a free consultation with me here and I'll show you how.

Wanna learn how to last longer in bed without undergoing risky (and ineffective) surgeries?

David, your Stamina Coach

My recommendation: just book a free consultation call with me and you won't need any of these risky and expensive surgeries...

Click the button below and book your free consultation call with me (personally)

4. Penis Glans Augmentation (Hyaluronic Acid)

The idea is simple: hyaluronic acid is injected under the skin of the penis head in order to make it larger and to reduce its sensitivity. And as a result, you should be able to last 1.5 to 2.5 minutes longer during sex πŸŽ‰. 4T I Kwak et al Long-term effects of glans penis augmentation using injectable hyaluronic acid gel for premature ejaculation Link

In a study conducted in Korea, the average time the test subjects were able to hold out after a glans thickening procedure increased from 1.5 minutes to 4.5 minutes.5Kim JJ Effects of glans penis augmentation using hyaluronic acid gel for premature ejaculation. Link

However other studies found that the ejaculation-delaying effect was much weaker on average and disappeared completely after only a few months 6Amr Alahwany, Mohamed W. Ragab et al Hyaluronic acid injection in glans penis for treatment of premature ejaculation: a randomized controlled cross-over study Link :

Hyaluronic acid injection into the glans penis for the treatment of premature ejaculation: a randomized, controlled cross-over study (5)

So, as you can see...:

Problem #1 - that tiny little stamina boost disappears after just a few months.

Problem #2 - You have a very realistic risk of necrosis, penile deformities, and allergic reactions.

And it costs $2000+.

Do I recommend it? Of course not.. There are much better and much more effective ways to naturally last much longer in bed. For example my 5 Steps Stamina System, check it out.

5. ADM Penile Girth Enhancement 

Chinese doctors invented a treatment in which artificial dermal tissue (ADM) is placed under the skin of the penis, which then "encases" the inner penis parts from the inside. Useless. Dangerous.

Chinese doctors invented a treatment in which artificial dermal tissue is placed under the skin of the penis, which then "encases" the inner penis parts from the inside.

This material is ADM (acellular dermis matrix) - a piece of tissue obtained from pig or human cadavers and contains only collagen without cells so that it is not rejected by the body. Acellular dermis matrix is also used for breast augmentation.

The procedure results in a penis which is not only thicker, but also less sensitive, allegedly giving you about 0.6 - 2,37 extra minutes of lasting time during sex.7Hai Wang et al Surgical treatment for primary premature ejaculation with an inner condom technique Link

Do I recommend this treatment?  - Fuck NO. 

Risks include death of skin cells and penile deformities. Check these pics:

NSFL photo examples of complications. Before you let a surgeon do irreversible damage to you for your own money, you better just lose your money on ineffective treatments like hypnotherapy for PE, yet at least stay healthy. 

How to last longer without dangerous surgical treatments

As you can see, researchers and surgeons are trying hard, but have not yet managed to come up with an acceptable surgical treatment for premature ejaculation.

Even if you accept the risk of side effects such as loss of erection or penis deformation, the result is still a maximum of 2-3-4 minutes of additional lasting time. With a weaker erection that is, as a side effect.

Nobody wants to last just 2 minutes longer.

You want to be able to have sex for 10-60 minutes and enjoy it to the fullest, and make your partner get her pleasure out of it too.

And luckily you don't need a surgery for that.

Because I have developed a simple 5 Step Process for exactly that, enabling every man with premature ejaculation to start lasting 10-60 minutes in bed within weeks.

My method works very safely and has already helped hundreds of men like you. If you want to learn more, click here: Lover Stamina System - 5 steps that force you to last 10-60 minutes longer in bed.

See you there!



  • 1
    Yang et al., Circumcision does not have effect on premature ejaculation: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PubMed
  • 2
    Correlation between age and curative effects of selective dorsal neurectomy for primary premature ejaculation link
  • 3
    G.‐X. Zhang et al. Selective resection of dorsal nerves of penis for premature ejaculation Link
  • 4
    T I Kwak et al Long-term effects of glans penis augmentation using injectable hyaluronic acid gel for premature ejaculation Link
  • 5
    Kim JJ Effects of glans penis augmentation using hyaluronic acid gel for premature ejaculation. Link
  • 6
    Amr Alahwany, Mohamed W. Ragab et al Hyaluronic acid injection in glans penis for treatment of premature ejaculation: a randomized controlled cross-over study Link
  • 7
    Hai Wang et al Surgical treatment for primary premature ejaculation with an inner condom technique Link


About 30% of all men suffer from premature ejaculation. That's why I've developed a simple 5 Step Process that helps you last longer and give your partner the best sex of her live. If you're interested in 1-1 Coaching with me, then click this link and find out more.